My Highland Enemy (Warriors of the Highlands Book 7): An Enemies to Lovers Historical Romance Novel by Miriam Minger

My Highland Enemy (Warriors of the Highlands Book 7): An Enemies to Lovers Historical Romance Novel by Miriam Minger

Author:Miriam Minger [Minger, Miriam]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Walker Publishing
Published: 2024-03-11T18:30:00+00:00


“How long have I been asleep?”

“Three days, Laird, and it’s nearing nightfall,” came Simeon’s reply to Alec’s hoarse query, his blurry gaze sweeping the candlelit room. “I gave you my strongest potion each day and night to ensure you would not wake so your body would have time tae heal. The swelling is gone and your color has returned. Do you have any pain?”

Strangely enough, Alec felt little pain at all after the fierce throbbing that had caused him such agony days ago—dear God, had it truly been three? He licked his dry lips, his thoughts still jumbled, though slowly, he felt his mind growing clearer.

He had been talking to Rowen—no, railing at her in fury and demanding she get out of his sight when a fierce pain had struck him and made him collapse backward upon the bed. Again, Alec’s gaze swept the bedchamber, but she was nowhere to be seen…

“Your lady walks in the bailey, Laird, I insisted upon it,” Simeon said quietly as if he had read Alec’s thoughts. “She’s grown pale these past days and has scarcely eaten, I believe from worry for you⁠—”

“Och, man, dinna let her fool you,” he muttered more to himself, though he heard the old healer cluck his tongue.

“I thought fresh air might foster an appetite in her and give her some reprieve from her vigil.”

“Vigil?” Alec echoed, noting the cot set near the opposite side of the bed as his vision grew clearer. “Who’s been sleeping there? A servant?”

“No, Laird, your wife. She didna wish tae disturb your healing by sharing your bed, so I ordered one brought for her.”

“You ordered? She’s the lady here, aye? She could have done so herself.”

“Not so, not so. The servants shun her—aye, everyone in this place shuns her and refuses tae heed anything she says, and her lady’s maid has fared no better. Gaira has grown so distressed over their ill-treatment that your wife sent her tae rest in bed hours ago. From your warriors tae the kitchen servants, they believe the fault for your injury lies squarely upon Lady Mackay’s shoulders. Och, I feared so myself at first, but after watching her these past days rarely leaving your side⁠—”

“Has she said anything more tae you about what happened?” Alec interrupted him, grateful that with each moment, he was feeling more like himself. “The truth of it?”

“I…I dinna know what you mean,” Simeon said with confusion upon his wrinkled face. “Your horse reared and toppled over and you struck your head, which is all any of us have heard—yet as I said, most insist that your wife somehow had a hand in it. There are even those who believe she meant tae kill you.”

“Aye, Sheena,” Alec murmured, the maidservant’s outburst that he’d heard while lying unmoving upon the bed rushing back to him. How could he not have heard her with all that screeching? Not at all like the sweet voice with which she had spoken to him at mealtimes when asking if he wanted more food or ale.


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